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CCC Course Content

  • What is Computer?
  • Components of Computer System
  • Classifications of Computers
  • Representation of Data / Information concept of data processing
  • What is operating system and basics of Windows
  • The User Interface
  • Windows setting
  • Advanced Windows
  • Comparison of DOS and Windows
  • Switching between DOS and Windows
  • Basic DOS Commands
  • Word Processing Basic
  • Opening Documents and Closing Documents
  • Moving around in a document
  • Using a document / Help Wizard
  • Text Creation and manipulation
  • Formatting the text
  • Handling Multiple documents
  • Table manipulation
  • printing
  • Elements of Electronics Spread Sheet
  • Manipulation of cells
  • Providing Formulas
  • Spread sheet for small accountings
  • Basic of Computer networks
  • Internet
  • Service on Internet
  • Web Browsing software
  • Surfing the Internet
  • Chatting on Internet
  • Basic of electronic mail
  • Using Emails
  • Document Handling
  • Basics
  • Creation of Presentation
  • Preparation of Slides
  • Providing aesthetics
  • Slide Manipulation and Slide Show
  • Presentation of the Slides