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Module 8: CORE PHP

CorePHP means pure php with using any framework. Core PHP it is used to create dynamic web pages .PHP is a well – liked server–side scripting language for the web.

Module 9: MYSQL Level-1

My Sql is an open source relational database management system (RDBMS) based on Structured Query Language (SQL). MySQL runs on virtually all platform, including LINUX, UNIX and Windows. My SQL is ideal for both small and large application. My SQL is very fast, reliable and easy to use.

Module 10: AJAX

Ajax stands for Asynchronous Java script and XML. Ajax is a new technique for creating better, faster and more interactive web applications with the help of XML, HTML, CSS and Java script. AJAX is about updating parts of web page, without reloading the whole page.

Module 11: JQUERY

JQUERY is a lightweight, “write less do more “Java script liberty jQuery is designed to simplify HTML DOM tree traversal and manipulation, as well as event handling.

Module 11: Bootstrap

Bootstrap build responsive, most popular front- end component liberty. Bootstrap is an open source toolkit for developing with HTML, CSS, JS, Quickly prototype your ideas.

Module 13: SEO (Search Engine Optimization)

SEO is short for Search Engine Optimization, and there is nothing really mystical about it. You might have heard a lot about SEO and how it works, but basically what it is a measurable, repeatable process that is used to send signals to search engines that your pages are worth.

Module 14: SMO (Social Media Optimization)

SEO is short for Search Engine Optimization, and there is nothing really mystical about it. You might have heard a lot about SEO and how it works, but basically what it is a measurable, repeatable process that is used to send signals to search engines that your pages are worth.